Swooping his jetpack down into one of the egg-shaped building's windows, Rasco does indeed come upon some lifeforms. They are a race of very innocent looking sweaters with bunny ears, cowering in the wake of their planet's sudden unfolding. Rasco comfortingly reassures them that he's got the situation under control and will gladly volunteer to be their savior.
A crackling blast from outside rocks their bodies and they quickly turn to the window. The planetary beast has shot another pink bolt from its mouth, snapping Rasco's planet wide open. The flooding waters bellow outwards as every living creature, vehicle and building is hurtled into space.
> Aircraft Carrier: Save the Whale!A crackling blast from outside rocks their bodies and they quickly turn to the window. The planetary beast has shot another pink bolt from its mouth, snapping Rasco's planet wide open. The flooding waters bellow outwards as every living creature, vehicle and building is hurtled into space.
Kommanded by Debbie Clandening
7 Kommands:
A roach motel! Where roaches check-in, but they never check-out.
Pray to the Everlasting God El Olam for wisdom since he will always provide shelter and food adn clothes.
Rasco asks for help from the sweaters to save his creature creations! One offers to unfurl their bodily yarn to save them!
Badly injured flying whale will combine itself with aircraft carrier to save her life. Nuclear reactor in aircraft carrier will substitute her heart and sensors will expand her senses. Flying cyborg whale-carrier will be ready for mission...
I agree with Thomas' kommand:
Rasco combines the Giant, Flying Whale with the aircraft carrier. Perhaps the lighthouse could be added as a conning tower for Rasco.
(would we call this a Giant, Flying Whalecraft Carrier?)
Rasco should go inside the giant laser beam to see if it's really harmful or whether it's going to send him to an alternate universe!
same as Thomas: Rasco combines the Giant, Flying Whale with the aircraft carrier. Perhaps the lighthouse could be added as a conning tower for Rasco.
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